HCLabs, a provider of software to extend the capabilities of SAP and SuccessFactors HCM solutions, announced today the official release of version 3.0 of RollCall™, a solution that automates training attendance management for customers using SuccessFactors Learning. RollCall enables instructors to quickly scan employee badges via their mobile device to capture and upload training attendance to their organization’s LMS, thereby eliminating the effort, paperwork, and potential mistakes associated with this typically manual process.

Northeast Georgia Health System, a nationally ranked, not-for-profit community health system, is one of the latest SuccessFactors customers to go live on RollCall. “At Northeast Georgia Health System, we take attendance over 30,000 times each year for classroom-based learning,” said Nick Marsh, LMS Administrator for the Educational Services Department at NGHS. “RollCall replaced a manual, error-prone process with a powerful but intuitive app, and HCLabs made the implementation easy and personal. They took the time to understand our unique business structure and ensure our adoption of RollCall was a success.”
In addition to enabling instructors to capture attendance in online or offline mode, RollCall 3.0 now includes full support for unplanned or “ad hoc” training, the use of multiple devices to capture attendance simultaneously for the same training class or meeting, and the option for instructors to group multiple classes together to enable the efficient collection of attendance. Lastly, the sensitivity of RollCall’s scanning function has been enhanced to maximize the app’s speed and capability in reading difficult codes, and it is integrated with a variety of scanning-related technologies that organizations in various industries have already adopted, such as barcodes, QR codes, Near Field Communication (NFC) and other RFID technologies.
According to hyperCision Solutions Manager, Rich Schoeneberg, “In delivering and enhancing RollCall, HCLabs has provided another solution that enables SAP SuccessFactors customers to eliminate the need for manual effort or custom development to execute their training processes efficiently based on their business requirements. Instead, the process of collecting training attendance can be a simple, paperless process integrated with SuccessFactors Learning.”
About HCLabs
HCLabs brings together technical and industry experts to provide rapid, innovative solutions to support and enhance SAP offerings related to Human Capital Management (HCM) and meet the needs of an increasingly complex and regulated business environment.
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